Who’s Next?

How Artificial Intelligence will transform your industry, your company and your job


Twenty years ago on a beautiful morning you might have taken a walk in the woods listening to a CD on your Discman and shooting photos on Kodak film. Today there’s many more listening options and 100 times as many pictures taken but Sony and Kodak have been marginalized or gone bankrupt.

Ten years ago if you wanted to watch a video you could check the yellow pages for the nearest Blockbuster and head out to pick one up. Today people are watching more videos than ever before but Blockbuster and the Yellow Pages Group have both gone bankrupt.

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few years you know these stories. Books have been written about them and academics and industry experts teach classes and give speeches about why these disruptions happened. In this book we’ll touch on some of these things but very quickly we’ll move on to the more important question; for you, for the firms you might work for, for the industries you might work in and for the cities and countries that you will make your home. Who’s next? Due Winter 2020.

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